To tell the truth on how things real are. Not as the government, color, or any other part of society tells you. This is the complete truth.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

This is for those of us who believe in being fair and doing the right thing by all. Lets start with the sorry LAZY lady in New Orleans, LA. She went to the city council and complained because the house she lives in is ( in her words ) below standard. The truth is she lives in a newly remodeled home with hard wood floors and 60" LCD TV. She complains that the TV should have been Plasma. The hardwood floors Premium material, and the appliances top quality. Here's the rub. She has never paid a house payment. She gets a government check, food stamps, and bills paid by Us, the taxpayers. Not only does she live better than alot of people she lived free for all of her life. after all this, she plays the race card. " I'm black and should have received better." Here's what i say, throw her black ass out on the street and make her work for what she has been given for all those years. maybe then she would appreciate what she has been given. let her work like the rest of us. How is this right. It really irks me that people think the world owes them something because of Color or any other reason. I say give a hand up not hand out.

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